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Michael Massimino
(STS-109, STS-125)

April 28, 2025
San Antonio, Texas

8:50am -

Michael Massimino

(STS-109, STS-125)

March 17, 2025
Orlando, Florida

2:15pm -

Michael Massimino

(STS-109, STS-125)

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LEFT: Mike Massimino, Nicole Stott and Sian Proctor, April 28, 2023, New York, NY (CREDIT: Aurelio Stagnaro); RIGHT: Fred Haise and Mike Massimino, September 30, 2022, New York, NY (CREDIT: Neil Da Costa);
LEFT: Mike Massimino with Brad MacKinnon, April 2, 2019, Canton, OH (CREDIT: Brad MacKinnon); RIGHT: Mike Massimino with FIRST Lego League team, June 21, 2018, Garden City, NY (CREDIT: Anshul Gupta);
LEFT: Mike Massimino, August 8, 2017, New York, NY (CREDIT: Aurelio Stagnaro); RIGHT: Leland Melvin and Mike Massimino, June 3, 2017, New York, NY (CREDIT: Aurelio Stagnaro);
LEFT: Don Pettit and Mike Massimino with Neil Da Costa, April 13, 2017, New York, NY (CREDIT: Neil Da Costa); RIGHT: Mike Massimino with Neil Da Costa, November 30, 2016, New York, NY (CREDIT: Neil Da Costa);
LEFT: Mike Massimino with Robert Pearlman, October 11, 2016, Houston, TX (CREDIT: Robert Pearlman); RIGHT: Mike Massimino, October 6, 2016, Washington, DC (CREDIT: Joe Silver);
LEFT: Mike Massimino, July 26, 2015, New York, NY (CREDIT: Aurelio Stagnaro); RIGHT: Scott Altman, Greg C. Johnson, Ron Garan and Mike Massimino, May 23, 2015, New York, NY (CREDIT: Aurelio Stagnaro);
Jeff Hoffman, Buzz Aldrin, TJ Creamer, Terry Hart, Rick Hauck, Byron Lichtenberg and Mike Massimino, April 26, 2011, Cambridge, MA (Credit: Hart Sastrowardoyo);
LEFT: Paolo Nespoli, Scott Atlman and Mike Massimino with Paolo D'Angelo, December 16, 2009, Rome, Italy (Credit: Paolo D'Angelo); RIGHT: Scott Altman and Mike Massimino with Jacques van Oene, December 14, 2009, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (Credit: Jacques van Oene);
Jon McBride, Mike Massimino, Bob Springer and Story Musgrave with Nick and Laura Thomas, August 7, 2009, KSC, FL (Credit: Nick Thomas);
Scott Altman, Greg C. Johnson, Mike Good, Megan McArthur, John Grunsfeld, Mike Massimino and Drew Feustel, May 26, 2009, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE);
Scott Altman, Greg C. Johnson, Mike Good, Megan McArthur, John Grunsfeld, Mike Massimino and Drew Feustel, April 23, 2009, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE);
LEFT: Scott Altman, Greg C. Johnson and Mike Massimino with Scott Phillips, August 6, 2009, Huntsville, AL (Credit: Scott Phillips); RIGHT: Mike Massimino with Hart Sastrowardoyo, June 12, 2002, Garden City, NY (Credit: Hart Sastrowardoyo);
Mike Massimino, Jim Newman, Rick Linnehan, Nancy Currie, John Grunsfeld, Duane Carey and Scott Altman, April 15, 2002, Greenbelt, MD (Credit: collectSPACE);